Top 5 Most Famous Hacking Groups of All Time



Well, who doesn’t know about the infamous hackers group Anonymous. The decentralized group originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan. It is a leaderless organization which projects itself as the cyber guardian of human rights and vows to fight against injustice through the weapon of “hacking”. Known for projecting itself as a vigilante group the members of the group are recognized by The use of Guy Fawkes Mask which seems to be inspired by the movie “V for Vendetta”.


Lizard Squad is a black hat hacking group mainly involved in targeting gaming websites. However, the group gained wide fame after it hacked into Malaysian Airlines website and defaced it with the message “404 – Plane not found”; an apparent reference to their lost flight MH370 with 239 people onboard. The group also attacked Facebook, Sony and X-Box. Although Facebook denied any hack but their service was down for sometime due to DDoS attack carried out allegedly by Lizard Squad. 


 A computer security research group comprising of 3-5 members, the group gained notoriety in 2011-2012 for their black hacking activities against NASA, United Nations, NATO and Facebook, Daily Mail website and English Defence League  which included the account of former U.K Prime Minister Tony Blair. The group was started in 2010 by a 16 year old who went by the name of ‘TriCk’. The group disbanded in 2012 following the arrests of its founder ‘TriCk’ and the other core member who went by the pseudonym ‘MLT’’. In 2015 the group has reportedly resurfaced as ‘White Hat’ security research group.


It was a hacking group was founded by Patrick Gregory who went by the name of MostHateD. The group was composed of about 60 members. GlobalHell was notorious for hacking around 115 websites and destroying their data causing millions of dollars worth damage to the organisations. One of the group members Chad Davis hacked into the Army computer at Pentagon and defaced the Army Internet homepage with the message “Global Hell is alive. Global Hell will not die“. In 1999 it got disbanded when 12 members were prosecuted for computer intrusion and 30 for other lesser offences.

Syrian Electronic Army

Founded in 2011, there is only one duty of Syrian Electronic Army which is to support Bashar-al-Assad government through launching of cyber attacks involving, phishing, DDoS, malware and spamming. They are known to have targeted social media accounts of famous personalities like U.S President Barack Obama and former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


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